Yeni sekmede açılan reklam popup kodu

Yeni sekmede açılan reklam popup kodu

<script type="text/javascript">
  var puShown = false;

  // Function to open a pop-up window
  function doOpen(url) {
    if (puShown) {
      return true; // Exit if the pop-up has already been shown

    // Open a new window with specified dimensions and features
    var win =

    if (win) {
      win.blur(); // Move focus away from the pop-up
      puShown = true; // Mark the pop-up as shown

    return win;

  // Function to set a cookie
  function setCookie(name, value, time) {
    var expires = new Date();
    expires.setTime(expires.getTime() + time); // Set expiration time
    document.cookie = name + '=' + value + '; expires=' + expires.toGMTString();

  // Function to get a cookie value
  function getCookie(name) {
    var cookies = document.cookie.toString().split('; ');
    var cookie, c_name, c_value;

    // Loop through cookies to find the specified one
    for (var n = 1; n < cookies.length; n++) {
      cookie = cookies[n].split('=');
      c_name = cookie[0];
      c_value = cookie[1];

      if (c_name === name) {
        return c_value; // Return the cookie value if found

    return null; // Return null if the cookie is not found

  // Function to initialize the pop-up functionality
  function initPu() {
    // Attach event listener for clicks
    if (document.attachEvent) {
      document.attachEvent('onclick', checkTarget);
    } else if (document.addEventListener) {
      document.addEventListener('click', checkTarget, false);

  // Function to check if the pop-up should be shown
  function checkTarget(e) {
    if (!getCookie('popundr')) {
      var e = e || window.event;
      var win = doOpen(''); // Open the pop-up
      setCookie('popundr', 1, 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); // Set a cookie to prevent repeat pop-ups

  // Initialize the pop-up functionality

Yukarıda bulunan kod yeni sekmede reklam kodu olarak sitesini açmaktadır gerekli düzenlemeleri yapıp <head> etiketinin içerisine yazabilirsiniz. İyi çalışmalar dilerim.

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